Monday, September 14, 2009


Well i got my first ink yesterday.
My friend Bnen did it, he is also the dude who does the artwork for my myspace/album cover etc.
I decided i'd like a key as my first one. From the ages of about 4-7 i collected keys religiously. I used to go around to all the key shops and ask if they had any spare keys i could have.

Did you know keys can open other doors that they're not designed to open as long as you use a correctly shaped key. I guess i just wanted to be able to make an escape if the time came to it...

I used to carry bunches of different types on my belt.
In the eyes of a 4 year old, the only certain way of escape is with a key.
You cannot break down a door, or smash a window and with everything that was happening at the time with my father, I think i needed to know, that if the time came to it - I would have a bunch of my most favorite and lucky keys to get me out.

If you like what you see, I can give you Bnen's details. He drew this in about 10 minutes... and it was exactly what i wanted. He is pretty much the most talented artist I have ever met.

More ink to come.


  1. looks really good man


  2. This is beautiful. I think tattoos are so much more special when they have a meaning behind them.

  3. That's a gorgeous tat, Karl. It seems like it means heaps to you which is rad.
    Hey, you should post a story of your first love here []. I'm sure it'd be really interesting and wonderfully written!
